In the Czech Republic, Borrelia burgdorferi dominates over other bacterial agents of myocarditis. It is treated with 3-weeks´ therapy with cephalosporines of the 3rd generation administering intravenously [99]. Even in ICMP, this treatment led to the heart function improvement [29].
Treatment with antivirotics has according to the references in the majority of patients very limited importance. Their positive effect was documented primarily in patients treated with antivirotics in the initial phase of a viral infection [139]. A limiting factor is also an amount of possible unfavorable side affects of some antivirotics and the fact that most patients do not arrive in the specialized cardiological center in the phase of viremia [99]. According to the references, antivirotics may be considered as a therapeutic option in patients in which the heart failure therapy did not lead to the left ventricular function improvement or as a medication to the reduction of heart failure symptomatology [99].
Author of the opening picture: MarinaVladivostok
29) KUCHYNKA, P. Nové diagnostické a terapeutické aspekty zánětlivé kardiomyopatie. Praha, 2011. Disertační práce. 1. LF UK.
99) KUCHYNKA, P. a et al. Myokarditida a zánětlivá kardiomyopatie. Kapitoly z kardiologie. 2013, 3(-), 87-91.
139) Kapitola 22.5.1. Myokarditidy. In: ASCHERMANN, M., ed. Kardiologie. Praha: Galén, 2004. pp. 840-845. ISBN 80-7262-290-0.