This part of therapy is currently still a subject of researches which are aimed at both acute and chronic myocarditis treatment. Their conclusions are however often different or the specific kinds of therapy are suitable just for specific groups of patients like for example immunosuppressive therapy [29]. There are also some limiting factors like small number of individuals participating in studies, study design and low amount of randomised and large studies which would deal with this issue, as described in references [24]. Part of the studies also used just histopathological criteria for the classification of patients what was in a number of references marked as a factor which could influence the results [42, 140]. The following chapters contain the description of four types of immunological therapy which are investigated in myocarditis and ICMP – treatment with immunoglobulins, immunosuppressive therapy, immunoadsorption and treatment with interferons. All chapters include the results of up to now the largest performed studies.
Author of the opening picture: part of the web template
24) CAFORIO, A.L.P, PANKUWEIT S., ARBUSTINI E., et al. Current state knowledge on aetiology, diagnosis, management, and Therapy of myocarditis: a position statement of the European Society of Cardiology Working Group on Myocardial and Pericardial Disease. European Heart Journal. 2013, 34(-), 2636–2648.
29) KUCHYNKA, P. Nové diagnostické a terapeutické aspekty zánětlivé kardiomyopatie. Praha, 2011. Disertační práce. 1. LF UK.
42) L., BAUGHMAN. Diagnostika myokarditidy: Dallaským kritériím odzvonilo. Circulation-CZ. 2006, 5(1), 7-9.
140) PALEČEK, T. Inflammatory cardiomyopathy: Still many questions await answers. Cor et Vasa. 2013, 55(-), E341-E344.