This kind of therapy is indicated in the fulminant course of myocarditis and patients with cardiogenic shock with haemodynamic instability despite the optimal therapy [43, 127]. It serves as “bridge to recovery or bridge to transplant” [96]. From mec…
Immunoadsorption and interferons
The use of this therapy is considered in ICMP with induced autoimmune reaction and with the production of anti-myocardial autoantibodies [24, 98, 99]. The principle of the therapy lies in the removal of circulating autoanti…
Immunosuppressive therapy
This therapeutic option is indicated in cases of GCM, eosinophilic myocarditis, cardiac sarcoidosis and in myocarditis connected with autoimmune diseases [55, 62, 76, 77]. It consists mostly of a combination of prednisone, cyclosporine and/or azathio…
Intravenously administered immunoglobulins (IVIG) in high doses are indicated in patients with different immune system disorders. Their effect lies in the modulation of the immune system including inactivation of autoantibodies [99]. The favorable ef…
Immunological therapy generally
This part of therapy is currently still a subject of researches which are aimed at both acute and chronic myocarditis treatment. Their conclusions are however often different or the specific kinds of therapy are suitable just for specific groups of p…
Treatment with ATB and antivirotics
In the Czech Republic, Borrelia burgdorferi dominates over other bacterial agents of myocarditis. It is treated with 3-weeks´ therapy with cephalosporines of the 3rd generation administering intravenously [99]. Even in ICMP, this treatment…
Treatmenf of arrhythmias and thromboembolism
In the treatment of arrhythmias, there are not recommended any specific procedures yet. Their treatment with instrument techniques is problematic because arrhythmias may disappear themselves after the acute disease phase [43] and thus in references, …
Heart failure therapy
Heart failure therapy in myocarditis and ICMP should, according to references, follow the recommendations of cardiological societies. However, some studies proved the positive or negative impact of some medicaments on prognosis and inflammatory chang…
Regime measures
Strict physical and sports activity restriction is always indicated in patients with myocarditis [26, 43, 96, 98, 99, 100]. In both sportsmen and non-professional sportsmen, the minimal time of this restriction is six months provided that the heart f…
Treatment generally
Treatment of myocarditis and ICMP is relatively complicated what is caused by a number of factors. Further, it is still a subject for research.
From the point of view of causal therapy, an important obstacle is a vast number of different agents of…