The crucial part of myocarditis treatment and even of follow-up convalescence is a strict rest regime and considerable restriction of physical activities. The time of the restriction and activities that may be done by a patient after the myocarditis itself depends on the function of her/his heart. The minimal time of the restriction are 6 months, even at patients without any changes in the heart function.
The rest regime means a restriction of physical exertion – e. g. do not lift heavy weights, purchase, do not do heavy garden work and generally do not do activities that make a patient tired and short of breath. The rest regime includes also the restriction of sport activities and other related activities for at least 6 months. It is possible to go for a short constitutional at the beginning. The time restriction of sport and higher physical exertion may last even longer than 6 months. It depends on the patient´s state of health, the heart function and decision of physicians.
The complications and changes to the heart´s function may appear even after a year after myocarditis, so in some patients it is recommended to continue in the rest regime even after 6 months after myocarditis itself.
The question of sexual life after myocarditis is also very individual. It depends on the patient´s state of health and her/his physical possibilities – there are some less and more strenuous sexual activities (a partner after myocarditis should not be exhausted).
The time of stay at home after the discharge from the hospital is individual and it depends on the consultation with a physician. It the patient´s employment is not highly physically strenuous; the home treatment lasts according to different medical resources from 1 to 3 months. In the first 3 months after the disease, the process of the inhibition of immune system activity and the healing of damaged heart muscle is taking place and the disease can pass to the chronic form (see Definition of myocarditis).
There are also many others measures that should be observed for a longer time, such as changes of the eating and life style. A patient after myocarditis should observe rational and varied diet and rules of healthy life style. It means for example to reduce amount of salt in food, avoid fat and greasy foods and reduce the intake of sweets. The patient should also reduce the consumption of alcohol which is in some cases even one of the cases of myocarditis. Smoking should be avoided too.
It is not true that myocarditis is not a disease of athletes. Myocarditis may affect anyone and it does not matter if she/he is and athlete or a “port layabout”. This disease is influenced by many factors which are independent on sport activities. By contrast, in athletes who overlook for a longer time the signs of myocarditis and try to “run off the disease and leave it untreated” and try to avoid a check-up at physicians may have myocarditis with more dramatic course, because physical strain in the beginning of the disease mostly leads to rapid deterioration of the patient´s state of health.
A part of the convalescence and prevention of myocarditis is to avoid meetings with people with a virus infection, including flu or other infectious disease (primarily of respiratory and digestive system, including diarrhoeal diseases). As protective tools a disinfectant of hands or in some cases surgical mask may be used. When the patient after myocarditis already has an infection, it is really important to treat it properly and do not leave the disease untreated.
It associates with a strict observance of hygiene, including mouth, because bacteria are also one of the causes of myocarditis.
It is also important to minimalize the exposure to ticks – wear long shirts and trousers and use an insect repellent. The best is to avoid trips in areas with a higher concentration of ticks.
Very important part of the convalescence is that patients should not overestimate their physical possibilities and should not hype themselves up for some risky behaviour. It could cause a severe damage to the patient after myocarditis. The prevention of myocarditis and other disease associates even with the observance of safe sex rules (e.g. condoms) and avoid the use of narcotics.
Vaccinations against infection diseases are also recommended. You can read in the article Causes that myocarditis may be caused by a huge number of agents and it could be advantageous to avoid them – at least in those infections where a vaccination exists.
Check-ups in physicians and sometimes so called ergometry are part of the convalescence. In the case of ergometry, a patient steps on a special bike and simultaneously his/her ECG is recorded. It shows physicians how the heart works during a work. Often a cooperation of physicians from different fields is needed – mostly from cardiology an immunology.
The most important part of the convalescence if self-discipline – observe the recommendations of physicians and observe the above-mentioned measures, rules and the rest regime in its total time. My personal recommendation is – the non-observance of these rules and other recommendations for at least 6 months is not worthy of potential, even lifelong complications. 6 months of the rest regime are better the lifelong problems and maybe even an absolute ban on some activities, including sports.
Myocarditis is often a severe disease, in some cases even life-threatening condition, unfortunately sometimes fatal and because of that it is not good to underestimate it.