Interview with an expert from the Cardioimmunology Unit of the University Hospital Padova, one of the leading world institutions in myocarditis research and management.
Dr. Renzo Marcolongo graduated from Padova University in 1983. He is a special…
Interview with an expert from the Cardioimmunology Unit of the University Hospital Padova, one of the leading world institutions in myocarditis research and management.
Dr. Renzo Marcolongo graduated from Padova University in 1983. He is a special…
During the summer this year, I had the opportunity and honour to undergo an internship in the Cardoimmunology Centre of Cardiology Clinics of University Hospital Padua in Italy under the leadership of Professor Caforio. Her team belongs to the pionee…
V nedávno zveřejněném článku jsem se věnoval novinkám ve výzkumu myokarditidy po očkování proti SARS-CoV-2. Druhé téma, které bych zde rád aktualizoval,…
Od zveřejnění série článků, které se na této webové stránce zabývaly problematikou COVID-19, uběhl více než rok. Přišel tedy čas podívat se na novinky v oblasti Long COVID a myokarditidy po va…
Infekce COVID-19 neovlivňuje pouze kardiovaskulární a imunitní systém, ale také další orgánové soustavy. Bylo již publikováno mnoho prací na téma tzv.
SARS-CoV-2 primárně napadá dýchací ústrojí člověka. V průběhu pandemie se ovšem ukázalo, že COVID-19 výrazně souvisí i s funkcí…
Vakcíny, stejně jako léky, mají své nežádoucí vedlejší účinky. Mezi ty nejčastější patří chřipkové příznaky, bolesti svalů, kloubů, hlavy…
Pátý díl ze série článků o COVID-19 je věnovaný porovnání imunitní reakce po infekci a po očkování. Odkaz na čtvrtý článek, který se zabýval popisem mRNA a vektorových vakcín proti SARS-CoV-2, včetně jejich historie, najdete zde.
Čtvrtý díl ze série článků o COVID-19 je věnovaný popisu mRNA a vektorových vakcín proti SARS-CoV-2, včetně jejich historie. Odkaz na třetí článek, který byl věnovaný stručnému popisu fungování imunitního systému a přehledu mechanismů, kterými se SAR…
Druhý díl ze série článků o COVID-19 je věnovaný příznakům tohoto onemocnění, jeho diagnostice a některým léčebným metodám. Nejsou zde probrány všechny léčebné postupy, soustředil jsem se především na ty mediálně známé. Odkaz na první článek, který s…
SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, vektorová a mRNA vakcína… pojmy, se kterými se zcela jistě setkal každý z nás. Na internetu si můžeme přečíst desetitisíce článků, které se touto oblastí zabývají. Nemalé množství z nich bohužel obsahuje dezinform…
The newest article presents an interview with Professor Leslie T. Cooper Jr., M.D., the chairman of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine of Mayo Clinic (Florida, USA), which belongs to leading world-class cardiological clinics. Professor Cooper …
By the accessing you agree with following conditions. If you disagree, please, leave websites. I reserve a right to change these conditions anytime and I will do ev…
Website deals in detail with the issue of a heart disease that is quite unknown to non-professional public and that may make patients and their relatives considerably apprehensive with its typical clinical manifestations. In an in…
Dear visitors of the web guide,
My name is Jan Habásko and I am the founder and administrator of this web guide. I am a student of the 1st Medical School of Charles University…
18-F FDG izotop fluoru – fluorodeoxyglukóza
2CH 2 komorový
3D IT T1 název sekvence pro průkaz LGE
4CH 4 komorový
The examined group consisted mostly of young males up to the age of 40. Majority of patients (77 %) had increased troponin I level and generally, the examined group showed a strong heterogeneity in the question of symptoms and examinations´ findings….
Clinical characteristics of the examined group are presented in Table 6. Patients were of the average age of 35 ± 14 years with considerable predominance of males (24 males and 6 females). The only statistically sig…
The examined group comprised of patients hospitalized on the Department of Cardiology of Na Homolce Hospital between the 1st January 2002 and the 31st December 2016 with the diagnosis of myocarditis or p…
Aim 1
To evaluate subjective symptoms, objective findings and results of examinations of patients hospitalized in Na Homolce Hospital in the acute phase of myocarditis or perimyocarditis. The aim is to evaluate the results of the …
It is difficult to determine the prognosis of myocarditis and ICMP because it depends on a number of different factors including age and disease type. The highest mortality and heart transplant necessity are in GCM with 48 to 89 % [49, 55, 56]. In HI…
This kind of therapy is indicated in the fulminant course of myocarditis and patients with cardiogenic shock with haemodynamic instability despite the optimal therapy [43, 127]. It serves as “bridge to recovery or bridge to transplant” [96]. From mec…
The use of this therapy is considered in ICMP with induced autoimmune reaction and with the production of anti-myocardial autoantibodies [24, 98, 99]. The principle of the therapy lies in the removal of circulating autoanti…
This therapeutic option is indicated in cases of GCM, eosinophilic myocarditis, cardiac sarcoidosis and in myocarditis connected with autoimmune diseases [55, 62, 76, 77]. It consists mostly of a combination of prednisone, cyclosporine and/or azathio…
Intravenously administered immunoglobulins (IVIG) in high doses are indicated in patients with different immune system disorders. Their effect lies in the modulation of the immune system including inactivation of autoantibodies [99]. The favorable ef…
This part of therapy is currently still a subject of researches which are aimed at both acute and chronic myocarditis treatment. Their conclusions are however often different or the specific kinds of therapy are suitable just for specific groups of p…
In the Czech Republic, Borrelia burgdorferi dominates over other bacterial agents of myocarditis. It is treated with 3-weeks´ therapy with cephalosporines of the 3rd generation administering intravenously [99]. Even in ICMP, this treatment…
In the treatment of arrhythmias, there are not recommended any specific procedures yet. Their treatment with instrument techniques is problematic because arrhythmias may disappear themselves after the acute disease phase [43] and thus in references, …
Heart failure therapy in myocarditis and ICMP should, according to references, follow the recommendations of cardiological societies. However, some studies proved the positive or negative impact of some medicaments on prognosis and inflammatory chang…
Strict physical and sports activity restriction is always indicated in patients with myocarditis [26, 43, 96, 98, 99, 100]. In both sportsmen and non-professional sportsmen, the minimal time of this restriction is six months provided that the heart f…
Treatment of myocarditis and ICMP is relatively complicated what is caused by a number of factors. Further, it is still a subject for research.
From the point of view of causal therapy, an important obstacle is a vast number of different agents of…
EMB is an invasive diagnostic method which is described in many references as a gold standard in the diagnosis of myocarditis and ICMP and which definitively confirms the diagnosis and has also an important role in the…
Laboratory examination consists of basic examinations and the detection of biomarkers of the myocardial damage, heart failure and inflammation. The testing of anti-myocardial autoantibodies is recommended by the European Society of Cardiology ([24], …
Cardiac magnetic resonance is in the present the leading non-invasive imaging method for patients with myocarditis [24, 97, 98, 99]. It is even described by some authors as one of the basic examinations and in stable patients, it is preferred to perf…
The echocardiographic examination has, similar to ECG, its role primarily in stratification and observation of patients´ state of health and it has a role even in the exclusion of other symptoms and cardiac dysfunction causes [24, 96, 98, 99, 100]. T…
ECG changes in patients with myocarditis are varied. In up to ¼ of patients, ECG findings are normal [97]. According to the references, ECG is important primarily for the exclusion of other pathological states which could explain the patients´ diffic…
Patients with myocarditis, alternatively with ICMP, have heterogenous inconveniences and symptoms. In up to 60 % of cases, the disease is most commonly preceded by a viral infection of the gastrointestinal or respiratory system. In children, previous…
Diagnosis of myocarditis belongs to one of the most challenging in cardiology because of many reasons. One of them is, for example, an enormous variability of symptoms and manifestations of the disease including asymptomatic individuals, heart failur…
Chagas disease is a parasitic disease caused by an infection with Trypanosoma cruzi. It is mostly found in the area of Central and South America [26]. According to WHO, 8 million people are infected worldwide, whereas 10 000 infected patients die yea…
Cardiac impairment in HIV positive patients is a very frequent complication which is observed in 25 to 75 % of patients. In patients with AIDS, myocarditis was post-mortem identified in 40 to 52 % of cases [34]. Some resources warn about the increase…
Sarcoidosis is a multiorgan granulomatous inflammatory disease whose prevalence in the Czech Republic is approximately 60 cases per 100 000 inhabitants [50]. It affects most frequently lungs and lymphatic nodes. Cardiac sarcoidosis manifests in about…
Giant-cell myocarditis (GCM) is a rare form of myocarditis mostly with a dramatic course and life-threatening complications.
GCM is characterized by the histopathological finding of giant multinuclear cells, infiltration with eosinophils and T lym…
Eosinophilic myocarditis is a rare type of myocarditis usually caused by a hypersensitive or allergic reaction. Its prevalence in myocardial autopsy examinations was approximately 0,5 % [25]. It is more frequent in patients who are undergoing heart t…
It is an uncommon form of myocarditis which is characterized by a fast progression of the disease. Usually in the term of just several days, often one or two, before the first manifestation of the disease, prodrome of …
Classification of myocarditis and ICMP is not stabilized so far and develops with increasing knowledge about aetiology and pathogenesis of the disease. There are several classifications which may be combined.
It may be classified based on the aeti…
Macroscopic changes of the heart are observed in severe forms of myocarditis when the dilatation of the heart chambers and changes in the myocardial consistence may occur.
The histological finding may be very various. The most common one is lympho…
The knowledge about myocarditis and ICMP is still limited. It is determined by their varied aetiology and sometimes not quite cleared autoimmune processes which have been detected in myocarditis. Most of the information about the pathogenesis of thes…
Aetiology of myocarditis is highly varied (Tab. 1) and includes both infectious and non-infectious agents. The introduction of PCR and electron microscopy for the analysis of bioptically taken samples of the myocardium of patients with myocarditis ha…
The determination of the epidemiology of myocarditis and ICMP is complicated as a result of a lot of factors including primarily challenging diagnosis lacking for now in a single test which would provide sufficient specificity and sensitivity for the…
Myocarditis is an inflammatory disease of the myocardium of the focal or diffuse characteristic caused primarily by a viral agent. It is a condition with a varied manifestation and course including asymptomatic cases, new-onset dilated cardiomyopathy…
Immunosuppressive Therapy in Myocarditis. Circulation Journal: Official Journal of the Japanese Circulation Society. 2015, –(79), 4-7.
The effect of immunosuppressive therapy lies in the suppression of the immune system reaction. The possibilities…
I had never heard about myocarditis and I had had no idea that this disease exists until 05/2014. I felt good even in the afternoon. However, in the evening I had started to feel really exhausted. In the middle of the night, fever over 39 ºC (102 ºF)…
The management of myocarditis. European Heart Journal. 2011, -(32), 2616–2625.
Interferons, including interferon beta, are a part of anti-viral and anti-cancer immunity. They suppress the reproduction of the virus and cause cell death in …
Now I am going to describe to you, what´ s actually going on in the body during the myocarditis. The heart wall is composed of three layers – the endocardium (the inner heart layer membrane), the myocardium (the heart muscle) a…
The crucial part of myocarditis treatment and even of follow-up convalescence is a strict rest regime and considerable restriction of physical activities. The time of the restriction and activities that may be done by a patient after the myocarditis …
The patient´s state of health, mainly in fulminant and giant cell myocarditis, may be sometimes very severe and pharmacological treatment itself is not sufficient in some situations. In such cases, physicians get provide mechanical support of…
This part of the treatment of myocarditis is already used in clinical practise, but it is still being researched. The mechanisms of the effect of these substances, which influence the activity of the…
Antibiotics are indicated for myocarditis, when the cause of the disease is a bacterium. Very frequently it is Borrelia burgdorferi which is transferred by ticks and causes Lyme disease. Treatment is under way mostly for seve…
Myocarditis may in some cases have a dramatic course and signs of heart failure and life-threatening arrhythmias can appear. During heart failure, the heart function gets worse – heart contractility is worse than normal. The conseque…
Knowledges of myocarditis, its diagnosis and treatment have undergone an enormous evaluation in recent years. However, physicians still have limited knowledges and possibilities in association with this disease, its course, diagnosis…
Scintigraphy is an isotope examination which can show the function of a certain organ. The principle is that a radioactive drug is administered to a patient, then scans are taken and according to the accumulation of the radioactive d…
Endomyocardial biopsy is an examination, when “tongs” are inserted into the patient´s heart through the vessel system. They are inserted into the right or left heart ventricle and then four or five very little pieces of heart tissue are collected….
Lab testing is in the case of myocarditis focused on the detection of biomarkers of heart muscle damage and the intensity of any inflammatory processes. Laboratory results along with imaging methods provide valuable information for d…
X-ray is maybe the oldest and best known imaging method in medicine. The essence of this examination is based on the fact that a certain part of patient´s body is “lit up” by X-ray. X-ray is absorbed less by tender tissues (like for example the lungs…
This is an imaging method, which uses magnetic characteristics of an atom´s nucleus, specifically protons (positively charged parts of the atom´s nucleus). Normally, the axes of these protons are turned in different directions. Durin…
ECHO is, together with ECG, one of the basic examinations in cardiology. The characteristics of ultrasound (sound of very high frequency over 20 000 Hz, which is not detected by human ears) are used in this method. During an ECHO exa…
An electrocardiograph is a device used for detecting changes of electrical potential (“electrical activity”) caused by heart activity. The record of these changes is called an electrocardiogram (ECG). The changes of heart electrical …
A physical examination is performed by a physician immediately after when a patient arrives at the doctor´s office. It could have different results at myocarditis. It is not unusual that the results are normal or atypical. Sometimes myocarditis can p…
Myocarditis is an inflammatory disease of the heart muscle (myocardium). Inflammation is to be found either just on a few places of the myocardium (so called nidus) and in the entire heart muscle (so call diffusion inflamm…
Myocarditis is separated into several forms. Classification of the types of myocarditis is adjusting continuously. Commonly is so called by a clinical-pathological classification, which combines observable course of the patient´s disease with the fin…
Myocarditis can be brought by a wide range of infectious and non-infectious causes. Mostly (in up to 95% cases) it is caused by some of virus, less often by bacterium, parasites (mainly in South and Central America) …
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Dear visitors,
Welcome to the website,
My name is Jan Habásko and I am the founder and administrator of this web handbook designed for patients with diagnosis of myocarditis and their…
Symptoms are different and individual for each patient with myocarditis. Most of the first symptoms are preceded by previous infectious disease, mostly of the respiratory system or alimentary canal. Symptoms, which are observed by pa…