Dear visitors of the web guide,
My name is Jan Habásko and I am the founder and administrator of this web guide. I am a student of the 1st Medical School of Charles University in Prague and former student of Jan Neruda Grammar School in Prague and I had myocarditis myself. The website has been made primarily for patients with the diagnosis of myocarditis, their families and close ones and newly even for experts for whom a special part of the web guide has been appropriated. For both patients and experts, this web guide has been created as a source of basic information about myocarditis and inflammatory cardiomyopathy. At the same time, Version for public may be used by experts also as a tool facilitating their communication with patients and saving their time.
The project joined a number of experts of different specializations and different affiliations and even many other people. Their list may be found below:
Lucie Šedivá M.D., Ph.D. – Chief of the antiarrhythmic department of Hospital Na Homolce
Mgr. Štěpán Mička – Grammar School of Jan Neruda, Prague
Petr Kuchynka M.D., Ph.D., associate professor – 2nd Department of Medicine-Department of Cardiovascular Medicine of 1st Medical School and General University Hospital in Prague
Tomáš Paleček M.D., Ph.D., professor – 2nd Department of Medicine-Department of Cardiovascular Medicine of 1st Medical School and General University Hospital in Prague
René Čamek M.D. – Chief of cardiologist and internal department of The Institute of preventive and sports medical science spol. s.r.o.
Veronika Stará M.D. – Cardiologist doctor office of Pediatric Clinic of 2nd Medical School and Motol Hospital
Radana Zachová M.D. – Institute of Immunology of 2nd Medical School and Motol Hospital
Theodor Adla M.D. – Clinic of Imaging methods of 2nd Medical School and Motol Hospital
Pavel Štursa M.D. – Department of Radiology of Na Homolce Hospital
Many thanks for articles and inspiration:
Leslie T. Cooper, Jr., M.D., Professor of Medicine – Vascular Centre a Department of Cardiovascular Diseases Mayo Clinic
My heartfelt thanks go also to the company SVĚT IT s.r.o. for the free administration of web hosting and the domain and for graphic adjustment of the websites. Many thanks for the correction and consultations with the English translation belong to B. Ed. Wayne Smith (Gymnázium Jana Nerudy) and Mgr. Renáta Rejmíšová (Gymnázium Jana Nerudy). For the correction of the work, I thank PhDr. Blanka Nápravníková (Gymnázium Jana Nerudy) and PhDr. Věra Radváková, Ph.D. (Gymnázium Jana Nerudy and VŠE).
And last but not least I thank my parents for help and support.