Classification of myocarditis and ICMP is not stabilized so far and develops with increasing knowledge about aetiology and pathogenesis of the disease. There are several classifications which may be combined.
It may be classified based on the aetiology (infectious or non-infectious), further according to the histopathological finding (eosinophilic, lymphocytic, granulomatous, giant-cell), based on the clinical picture and manifestation (for example myocarditis connected with heart failure, arrhythmias etc.), [16, 22, 38]. The most commonly used classification is so-called clinical-pathological evaluation combining histopathological findings with the clinical course of the disease. According to the duration, myocarditis is usually classified in acute and chronic form, however, some authors replaced term chronic myocarditis with the term ICMP [8].
Perimyocarditis is a term used for myocarditis connected with the inflammation of the pericardium.
ICMP itself does not have any specific classification. It is mostly classified on the grounds of the EMB results, thus according to the presence or absence of the agent and inflammation [23, 29].
In the following chapters, there are mentioned “basic” and even rare or in other ways “unique” forms of myocarditis (eosinophilic and giant-cell myocarditis, myocarditis in HIV positive patients etc.). Due to the clear arrangement of the chapters about rare forms of myocarditis, these chapters contain even a brief description of the pathogenesis, if it is known, further the description of the clinical course, diagnostical and therapeutic methods and prognostic data. The aim of these chapters is to point at the heterogeneity of myocarditis.
Author of the opening picture: KGH
8) ZEMÁNEK D. Kapitola 15: Zánětlivé onemocnění myokardu. In: VESELKA, J. a V.ROHN. Kardiovaskulární medicína [online]. 1. vydání. Brno: Fasta Medica, 2015. ISBN 978-80-88056-00-3.
16) KUBÁNEK M., Kapitola 8.2.: Myokarditidy. In: KAUTZNER J., MELENOVSKÝ V., et al. Srdeční selhání – aktuality pro klinickou praxi. Praha: Mladá fronta a.s., 2015. pp. 147–157. ISBN: 978-80-204-3573-6.
22) SAGAR, Sandeep, Peter P. LIU a Leslie T. COOPER, JR. Myocarditis. Lancet. 2012,379(-), 738–747.
23) SCHULTHEISS, Heinz-Peter, Uwe KÜHL a Leslie T. COOPER, JR. The management of myocarditis. European Heart Journal. 2011, 32(-), 2616–2625.
29 KUCHYNKA, P. Nové diagnostické a terapeutické aspekty zánětlivé kardiomyopatie. Praha, 2011. Disertační práce. 1. LF UK.
38) ŠTEINER, I. Kardiopatologie: pro patology i kardiology. Praha: Galén, 2010. ISBN 978-80-7262-672-4.